Filip Piękniewski, PhD
San Diego, CA
Polish Version 
I’m a researcher working on computer vision and AI. My main research objective is to introduce dynamics into machine learning which is currently dominated by statistics. Having dynamics is necessary for ML models to produce true understanding of physical reality. My recent attempt to build a machine learning system that naturally incorporates time, online processing and unsupervised learning of the physics is described here (github code here). Until dynamics is deeply incorporated in machine learning models, they will remain “statistical machines” that “statistically work” which is not enough for a real world application such as robotics. My long term ambition is to address Moravec’s Paradox. You may read more in my blog on machine learning and other things.
My research interestsRecent research activitiesPublicationsPatents
- Computer Science in general
- Computational Intelligence
- Neural networks (deep learning in current lingo)
- Random graphs and small world networks
- Hopfield networks, phase diagrams
- Critical phenomena
- Spiking Neural Networks
- Texture analysis
- Dynamic systems and fractals
- Information theory
- Computer modeling/GPU programming
- UNIX/Linux/MacOSX administration
- Creating a large scale predictive vision model incorporating feedback
- Analysis of network topologies emerging from spiking neural models and other simplified computational models
- Study of critical systems
- 2016 – Unsupervised Learning from Continuous Video in a Scalable Predictive Recurrent Network
- 2016 – Fundamental principles of cortical computation: unsupervised learning with prediction, compression and feedback
- 2010 – Persistent activation blobs in spiking neural networks with mexican hat connectivity – accepted to ICAISC 2010. Supplemental matlab script and movie 1, movie 2.
- 2010 – Spectra of the Spike Flow Graphs of Recurrent Neural Networks – presentation for the ICANN conference.
- 2010 – Theoretical model for mesoscopic-level scale-free self-organization of functional brain networks, preprint submitted to IEEE TNN (BiBTeX)
- 2009 – Spectra of the Spike Flow Graphs of Recurrent Neural Networks preprint submitted to ICANN(BiBTeX)
- 2009 – Robustness of Power Laws in Degree Distributions for Spiking Neural Networks preprint submitted to IJCNN 2009. BiBTeX
- 2008 – PhD thesis – defended on April 1st 2009 at Warsaw University.
- 2008 – Spontaneous Scale-free Structure of Spike Flow Graphs in Recurrent Neural Networks, preprint submitted to Neural Networks (BiBTeX)
- 2007 – Emergence of Scale-Free Graphs in Dynamical Spiking Neural Networks, a poster presented at 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando 2007 (BiBTeX)
- 2007 – Emergence of Scale-Free Graphs in Dynamical Spiking Neural Networks, 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando 2007 (BiBTeX)
- 2007 – Emergence of Scale-Free Spike Flow Graphs in Recurrent Neural Networks, 2007 IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Honolulu Hawai 1-5 April 2007 (BiBTeX)
- 2006 – Mesoscopic Approach to Locally Hopfield Neural Networks in Presence of Correlated Patterns, 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vancouver, BC, Canada July 16-21, 2006, pp 5899 (BiBTeX)
- 2005 – Phase diagrams for locally Hopfield neural networks in presence of correlated patterns,Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Montreal, Canada, July 31 – August 4, 2005, pp 776 (BiBTeX)
- 2004 – Visualizing and Analyzing Multidimensional Output from MLP Networks via Barycentric Projections, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes on Artificial Inteligence vol 3070 (BiBTeX)
- 2004 – Visual comparison of performance for different activation functions in MLP networks, Proceedings of Internartional Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, Hungary 2004, pp 2947-2953. (BiBTeX)
- Check my google scholar page for citations
- Sensory input processing apparatus in a spiking neural network Piekniewski, F., Izhikevich, E., Szatmary, B., & Petre, C. (2012). U.S. Patent Application 13/465,903.
- Spiking neural network object recognition apparatus and methods Piekniewski, F., Izhikevich, E., Szatmary, B., & Petre, C. (2012). U.S. Patent Application 13/465,918.
- Spiking neural network feedback apparatus and methods Piekniewski, F., Izhikevich, E., Szatmary, B., & Petre, C. (2012). U.S. Patent Application 13/465,924.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR EFFICIENT IMPLEMENTATION OF EVENT-TRIGGERED PLASTICITY RULES IN NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS Izhikevich, E. M., Szatmary, B., Petre, C., Piekniewski, F., & Nageswaran, J. M. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,492. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR EFFICIENT MEMORY MANAGEMENT IN NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS Izhikevich, E. M., Szatmary, B., Petre, C., & Piekniewski, F. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,484. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS Izhikevich, E. M., Szatmary, B., Petre, C., Nageswaran, J. M., & Piekniewski, F. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,495. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR EFFICIENT LINK BETWEEN NEURONAL MODELS AND NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS Izhikevich, E. M., Petre, C., Piekniewski, F., & Szatmary, B. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,498. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PARTIAL EVALUATION OF SYNAPTIC UPDATES BASED ON SYSTEM EVENTS Izhikevich, E. M., Piekniewski, F., & Nageswaran, J. M. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,499. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR SYNAPTIC UPDATE IN A PULSE-CODED NETWORK Izhikevich, E. M., Piekniewski, F., & Nageswaran, J. M. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,491. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR TEMPORALLY PROXIMATE OBJECT RECOGNITION Piekniewski, F. L., Petre, C., Sokol, S. H., Szatmary, B., Nageswaran, J. M., & Izhikevich, E. M. (2012). U.S. Patent No. 20,120,308,076. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR TEMPORALLY PROXIMATE OBJECT RECOGNITION PIEKNIEWSKI, F., PETRE, C., SOKOL, S., SZATMARY, B., NAGESWARAN, J., & IZHIKEVICH, E. (2012). WIPO Patent No. 2012167164. Geneva, Switzerland: World Intellectual Property Organization.
- APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR SYNAPTIC UPDATE IN A PULSE-CODED NETWORK IZHIKEVICH, E., PIEKNIEWSKI, F., & NAGESWARAN, J. (2013). WIPO Patent No. 2013043903. Geneva, Switzerland: World Intellectual Property Organization.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS IZHIKEVICH, E. M., SZATMARY, B., PETRE, C., NAGESWARAN, J. M., & PIEKNIEWSKI, F. (2013). WIPO Patent No. 2013043610. Geneva, Switzerland: World Intellectual Property Organization.
- More submitted, check my google scholar page
Spiking neural networks as a parallel computing paradigm June 2013, six lectures at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
Mathematical Foundations of Neuroscience – winter semester 2009/2010. Preliminary program. Any supplemental material will be published here.
Lecture presentations:
- Lecture 1 – Basic facts about the brain and its analysis, Sample questions
- Lecture 2 – Electrophysiology of neurons, Sample questions
- Lecture 3 – Electrophysiology of neurons (continued), Sample questions
- Lecture 4 – 1d systems, Sample questions
- Lecture 5 – 2d systems, Sample questions
- Lecture 6 – Bifurcations in 2d systems, Sample questions
- Lecture 7 – Bifurcations II, Sample questions
- Lecture 8 – Classes of excitability, Sample questions
- Lecture 9 – Simple models of neurons and synapses, Sample questions
- Lecture 10 – Bursting, Sample questions
- Lecture 11 – Bursting continued Sample questions
- Lecture 12 – Synchronization Sample questions
- Lecture 13 – Coupled Oscillators Sample questions
- Lecture 14 – Synchronization of neurons and synaptic plasticity Sample questions
- Lecture 15 – Building large models step by step Sample questions
Selected student projects:
Other stuff
Some minor projectsInteresting links
- Mixed photos from San Diego area, 2010,2011
- A movie related to Brain Corporation shown by PBS
- Milky Way time lapse movie taken on 14 Dec 2010 on Mt Laguna, some meteors are visible too, mov
- Mysterious e a presentation for high school, Swiecie 2009, polish pdf
- Scale-free networks a presentation on a seminar, polish pdf
- Digital Signal Processing a presentation for high school students, polish pdf
- Signal and image processing algorithms a presentation on a seminar, polish pdf
- Inside the Menger Sponge a ptviewer 360 panorama inside this exciting shape
- Scale free structures in recurrent neural networks a presentation on a seminar, polish pdf
- A Beamer theme with my Faculty colors and university logos
- Finding roots using binary or interpolation search a demonstration I made in Mathematica for Wolfram Demonstrations Project
- Cayley Trees in Mathematica a demonstration I made in Mathematica for Wolfram Demonstrations Project
- Map of Computer Science graphical representation of areas in computer science and relations between them, english pdf
- Expander graphs and their applications a presentation on a seminar, polish pdf
- A couple of pics of Torun in HSIR pictures with V (value) channel replaced by infrared image, nice effect
- Magia algorytmów obróbki obrazu a presentation for annual science and art festival about digital photography and image processing (polish, html)
- My faculty yard via PTviewer a 360 degree panorama of a yard at my faculty
- Fractals with Maple a set of Maple procedures used to plot a number of fractals
- My infrared photographs a couple of compositions done with Hoya R72 filter and olympus C7070
- 2d Lattice of Simplified Dynamical Neurons student project for OCNC 2006 (english, mov)
- Losowosc w informatyce a presentation for annual science and art festival in Torun (polish, pdf)
- WLAN safety – a presentation that I commited for the eduroam semminar in march 2006 (polish, pdf).
- Torun in my lens – a web gallery containing some photos of my hometown that I collected in recent years.
- Analiza stabilności i diagramów fazowych dla lokalnie hopfieldowskich sieci neuronowych w obecności wysoce skorelowanych wzorców okresowych – My masters thesis (Polish pdf)
- CS in Education 2005 Conference – Arythmetic routines in Pascal and C++ – materials for workshops (polish html)
- Samba and LDAP Howto – useful howto on ldap authorization in samba (Polish pdf)
- Real Video Streaming Howto – useful howto on real video streaming (Polish pdf)
- Fractals – Presentation for science festival about fractals (Polish HTML!!! <- NEW )
- Fractals – Presentation for science festival about fractals (Polish pdf)
- SIMP documentation – Technical aspects of the project that my team has written, and won departamets team programming contest ‘2004 (Polish pdf).
- Gamma tranformations – Short thesis about gamma transformations of digital images (Polish pdf).
- Java project – A small java applet for demonstration of Kohonen Self Organizing Map (neural network method).
Photos from journeys/conferences etc.
Some of the galleries may take a few minutes to load, depending on the Internet connection speed. Enjoy!
- 2018
- Valley of Fire, Nevada, November 2018
- Grand Canyon, North Rim, Arizona, August 2018
- Yellowstone NP, Wyoming, August 2018
- Grant Teton NP, Wyoming, August 2018
- Sierra Nevada, Big Pine California, July 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- Yosemite & Sequoia, December 2015
- Anza Borrego camping, April 2015
- Algodones Dunes, near Yuma, California, March 2015
- Seguaro National Park, Tucson, Arizona, March 2015
- Biosphere2, Arizona, March 2015
- Page, Arizona, March 2015
- Snowbird, Utah, March 2015
- Salt Lake, Antelope Island, Utah, March 2015
- Zion, Utah, March 2015
- Salvation Mountain, California, February 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- Joshua Tree, California, December 2013
- Grand Canyon, Arizona, December 2013
- Monument Valley, Utah/Arizona, December 2013
- Arches, Utah, December 2013
- Canyonlands, Utah, December 2013
- Bryce Canyon, Utah, December 2013
- Zion, Utah, December 2013
- Death Valley, California, November 2013
- Organisation for Computational Neurosciences meeting, Paris, France, July 2013
- Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, July 2013
- COSYNE conference and workshops, Salt Lake City and Snowbird, Utah 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- Hawaii, November 2010
- MCAS Miramar Airshow, San Diego, October 2010
- NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, San Jose CA + San Francisco and Silicon Valley, September 2010
- Arizona, September 2010
- ICAISC conference, Zakopane, Poland, June 2010
- Vision Science Society Meeting, Naples, Florida, May 2010
- Los Angeles, Hollywood, Malibu, Santa Monica, April 2010
- San Diego, 2010
- 2009
- 2007
- 2006
- London, UK, November 2006
- Nashville Tennessee, August 2006
- Las Vegas, Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon, August 2006
- Denver Colorado and Rocky Mountains hiking, July 2006
- Whistler mountain hiking, Whistler BC Canada, July 2006
- World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Vancouver BC Canada, July 2006
- Two days in Tokyo, Japan, July 2006
- Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course – Okinawa, Japan, June 2006
- Stochastic Models in Biological Sciences Workshop – Warsaw, Poland, May 2006
- Ice diving in Powidzkie lake in Poland, February 2006
- Polish Information Processing Society awards, Wroclaw, Poland February 2006
- 2005
- Diving safari, st. Jones reef, Egypt, October 2005
- Cappadocia, hot air balloon flight, Turkey, September 2005
- Journey round Turkey (Fethiye, Pergamon, Istambul), September 2005
- Philadelphia, August 2005
- New York, August 2005
- Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, August 2005
- Baltimore, Annapolis – Maryland, August 2005
- Washington DC, July-August 2005
- Montreal and Quebeck City, July 2005, IJCNN conference
- Departament of Informatics Workshop in Bachotek – May 2005
- Ice diving in Kamionki lake near Torun – February 2005
- 2004
- 2003
Bright stars shine briefly - memory of a friend who died too early
Tomasz Schreiber, my scientific advisor, collaborator, coauthor, friend. We started working together in 2003, at that time he was already a rising star of polish mathematics. Working with him was always a pleasure. Tomek was a kind of man who had been giving the best, never asking for anything in exchange. Always smiling, full of energy, full of faith in people. He was incredibly bright, with a great sense of humor. He could play with mathematical symbols so cleverly that it sometimes took a few days to understand what he achieved in seconds. When a few years ago Tomek was mourning his advisor, Alexander Nagaev who died in a tragic accident I could not imagine that I’ll be mourning him so soon. In recent years he has been fighting with a fatal disease. But the disease was never an excuse for him. Instead it was something that motivated him to an even harder work. He died on first of December 2010. He was 35. He left his wife, loving family, great students and friends, tens of unfinished mathematical ideas. I will always remember him smiling.
Tomasz Schreiber’s Memorial Session
My memories of Tomek