San Diego, CA

English Version

Moje zainteresowania badawczeAktywność badawczaPublikacjePatenty
- Informatyka w ogólności
- Inteligencja obliczeniowa
- Sieci neuronowe
- Grafy losowe i sieci małego świata
- Sieci Hopfielda, przejścia fazowe
- Zjawiska Krytyczne
- Impulsujące sieci neuronowe
- Analiza tekstur i wizja komputerowa
- Układy dynamiczne i fraktale
- Teoria informacji
- Modelowanie komputerowe, zastosowania GPU
- administracja UNIX/Linux/MacOSX
- Tworzenie wielkoskalowych symulacji impulsujących sieci neuronowych, obliczenia impulsowe
- Impulsujące modele układu wzrokowego
- Analiza powstałych topologii połączeń, analiza funkcjonalna
- Analiza systemów krytycznych blisko ciągłego przejścia fazowego
- 2016 – Unsupervised Learning from Continuous Video in a Scalable Predictive Recurrent Network
- 2016 – Fundamental principles of cortical computation: unsupervised learning with prediction, compression and feedback
- 2010 – Persistent activation blobs in spiking neural networks with mexican hat connectivity – accepted to ICAISC 2010. Supplemental matlab script and movie 1, movie 2.
- 2010 – Spectra of the Spike Flow Graphs of Recurrent Neural Networks – presentation for the ICANN conference.
- 2010 – Theoretical model for mesoscopic-level scale-free self-organization of functional brain networks, preprint submitted to IEEE TNN (BiBTeX)
- 2009 – Spectra of the Spike Flow Graphs of Recurrent Neural Networks preprint submitted to ICANN(BiBTeX)
- 2009 – Robustness of Power Laws in Degree Distributions for Spiking Neural Networks preprint submitted to IJCNN 2009. BiBTeX
- 2008 – PhD thesis – defended on April 1st 2009 at Warsaw University.
- 2008 – Spontaneous Scale-free Structure of Spike Flow Graphs in Recurrent Neural Networks, preprint submitted to Neural Networks (BiBTeX)
- 2007 – Emergence of Scale-Free Graphs in Dynamical Spiking Neural Networks, a poster presented at 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando 2007 (BiBTeX)
- 2007 – Emergence of Scale-Free Graphs in Dynamical Spiking Neural Networks, 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando 2007 (BiBTeX)
- 2007 – Emergence of Scale-Free Spike Flow Graphs in Recurrent Neural Networks, 2007 IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Honolulu Hawai 1-5 April 2007 (BiBTeX)
- 2006 – Mesoscopic Approach to Locally Hopfield Neural Networks in Presence of Correlated Patterns, 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vancouver, BC, Canada July 16-21, 2006, pp 5899 (BiBTeX)
- 2005 – Phase diagrams for locally Hopfield neural networks in presence of correlated patterns,Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Montreal, Canada, July 31 – August 4, 2005, pp 776 (BiBTeX)
- 2004 – Visualizing and Analyzing Multidimensional Output from MLP Networks via Barycentric Projections, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes on Artificial Inteligence vol 3070 (BiBTeX)
- 2004 – Visual comparison of performance for different activation functions in MLP networks, Proceedings of Internartional Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, Hungary 2004, pp 2947-2953. (BiBTeX)
- Check my google scholar page for citations
- Sensory input processing apparatus in a spiking neural network Piekniewski, F., Izhikevich, E., Szatmary, B., & Petre, C. (2012). U.S. Patent Application 13/465,903.
- Spiking neural network object recognition apparatus and methods Piekniewski, F., Izhikevich, E., Szatmary, B., & Petre, C. (2012). U.S. Patent Application 13/465,918.
- Spiking neural network feedback apparatus and methods Piekniewski, F., Izhikevich, E., Szatmary, B., & Petre, C. (2012). U.S. Patent Application 13/465,924.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR EFFICIENT IMPLEMENTATION OF EVENT-TRIGGERED PLASTICITY RULES IN NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS Izhikevich, E. M., Szatmary, B., Petre, C., Piekniewski, F., & Nageswaran, J. M. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,492. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR EFFICIENT MEMORY MANAGEMENT IN NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS Izhikevich, E. M., Szatmary, B., Petre, C., & Piekniewski, F. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,484. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS Izhikevich, E. M., Szatmary, B., Petre, C., Nageswaran, J. M., & Piekniewski, F. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,495. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR EFFICIENT LINK BETWEEN NEURONAL MODELS AND NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS Izhikevich, E. M., Petre, C., Piekniewski, F., & Szatmary, B. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,498. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PARTIAL EVALUATION OF SYNAPTIC UPDATES BASED ON SYSTEM EVENTS Izhikevich, E. M., Piekniewski, F., & Nageswaran, J. M. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,499. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR SYNAPTIC UPDATE IN A PULSE-CODED NETWORK Izhikevich, E. M., Piekniewski, F., & Nageswaran, J. M. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 20,130,073,491. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR TEMPORALLY PROXIMATE OBJECT RECOGNITION Piekniewski, F. L., Petre, C., Sokol, S. H., Szatmary, B., Nageswaran, J. M., & Izhikevich, E. M. (2012). U.S. Patent No. 20,120,308,076. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR TEMPORALLY PROXIMATE OBJECT RECOGNITION PIEKNIEWSKI, F., PETRE, C., SOKOL, S., SZATMARY, B., NAGESWARAN, J., & IZHIKEVICH, E. (2012). WIPO Patent No. 2012167164. Geneva, Switzerland: World Intellectual Property Organization.
- APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR SYNAPTIC UPDATE IN A PULSE-CODED NETWORK IZHIKEVICH, E., PIEKNIEWSKI, F., & NAGESWARAN, J. (2013). WIPO Patent No. 2013043903. Geneva, Switzerland: World Intellectual Property Organization.
- ELEMENTARY NETWORK DESCRIPTION FOR NEUROMORPHIC SYSTEMS IZHIKEVICH, E. M., SZATMARY, B., PETRE, C., NAGESWARAN, J. M., & PIEKNIEWSKI, F. (2013). WIPO Patent No. 2013043610. Geneva, Switzerland: World Intellectual Property Organization.
- More submitted, check my google scholar page
Spiking neural networks as a parallel computing paradigm June 2013, six lectures at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
Mathematical Foundations of Neuroscience – winter semester 2009/2010. Preliminary program. Any supplemental material will be published here.
Lecture presentations:
- Lecture 1 – Basic facts about the brain and its analysis, Sample questions
- Lecture 2 – Electrophysiology of neurons, Sample questions
- Lecture 3 – Electrophysiology of neurons (continued), Sample questions
- Lecture 4 – 1d systems, Sample questions
- Lecture 5 – 2d systems, Sample questions
- Lecture 6 – Bifurcations in 2d systems, Sample questions
- Lecture 7 – Bifurcations II, Sample questions
- Lecture 8 – Classes of excitability, Sample questions
- Lecture 9 – Simple models of neurons and synapses, Sample questions
- Lecture 10 – Bursting, Sample questions
- Lecture 11 – Bursting continued Sample questions
- Lecture 12 – Synchronization Sample questions
- Lecture 13 – Coupled Oscillators Sample questions
- Lecture 14 – Synchronization of neurons and synaptic plasticity Sample questions
- Lecture 15 – Building large models step by step Sample questions
- DTI tracking with Slicer 3d – a QuickTime animation
- Slicer3d program webpage – an opensource medical visualization software. Also check the tutorials which include the nescessary data files.
- Numerical stability demo – Matlab/Octave script
- Saddle node bifurcation of a 1d system – Matlab/Octave script
- Quadratic integrate and fire neuron – Matlab/Octave script
- Saddle-node bifurcation in 1d system – a QuickTime animation
- Saddle-node on invariant cicrle bifurcation in the Na-p-K model – a QuickTime animation
- Phase portrait plot – Matlab/Octave script and sample fields to plot: sample field (pdf image), sample field 2 (pdf image), sample field 3 (pdf image), sample field 4 (pdf image)
- Fold Cycle bifurcation in the canonical model – a QuickTime animation
- Saddle Homoclinic Orbit bifurcation in the Na-p-K model – a QuickTime animation
- Supercritical Andronov-Hopf bifurcation in the Na-p-K model – a QuickTime animation
- Subcritical Andronov-Hopf bifurcation in the Na-p-K model – a QuickTime animation
- Saddle node bifurcation in the Na-p-K model – a QuickTime animation
- Dynamic regimes near Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation – a QuickTime animation
- A script simulating an array of coupled neurons – good student project seed – Matlab/Octave script
- Lecture notes of Georgi Medvedev, useful supplementary material
- Publications of Eugene Izhikevich, useful supplementary material
- A script simulating a piece of an axon with the cable equation – good student project seed – Matlab/Octave script
- An animation of an action potential propagating spatialy along the fiber – a QuickTime animation
- Spiking Neuron Models Single Neurons, Populations, Plasticity a book by Wulfram Gerstner and Werner M. Kistler – useful supplementary material
- A script simulating a piece of an axon with the cable equation (FitzHugh-Nagumo) – good student project seed – Matlab/Octave script
- A spiking network with CUDA – A project by Jayram Moorkanikara Nageswaran et.al
- Hysteresis loop – a QuickTime animation
- Hysteresis loop – Matlab/Octave script
- INa-IK-IK(M) burster – Matlab/Octave script
- An animation of an action potential propagating spatialy along the fiber in a bursting model (fold/homoclinic bursting) – a QuickTime animation
- An animation of an action potential propagating spatialy along the fiber in a bursting model (circle/circle bursting) – a QuickTime animation
- INa-IK-IK(M) circle/circle burster spatial solution – Matlab/Octave script
- A mesh resembling a neuron in 3d – Blender file
- Another mesh resembling a neuron in 3d – Blender file
- INa-IK-IK(M) Fold/Homoclinic burster spatial solution – Matlab/Octave script
- Propagating Waves in Neocortical Slices Research results of JIAN-YOUNG WU, PH.D.
- Some more movies of Jian-Young Wu
- Okinawa computational neuroscience course – a very good summer school, I encourage my students to apply!
- Neuron – software for neuron simulations
- Web page of Bard Ermentrout an author of XPP and many publications on mathematical neuroscience
- Solution of a bursting neuron in 2d – note the artifacts related to the second order derrivative mask
- Solution of a bursting neuron in 2d (source) – Matlab/Octave script
- Rotating waves in a grid of coupled oscillators – a QuickTime animation
- Spiral waves in a grid of coupled oscillators – a QuickTime animation
- 2d grid of coupled oscillators (source) – Matlab/Octave script
- Computing PRC – Matlab/Octave script
- Poincare phase map – Matlab/Octave script
Selected student projects:
- Multi compartment neuron model Rafal Malkowski
- NiC (Neurons in CUDA) Michal Matuszak
- 3D Neuron Model Bartosz Paprzycki
- Persistent sodium and potassium neuron model Jaroslaw Piersa
- Neurotest Andrzej Rutkowski
- Neurons in flash Bartosz Zielinski
- The Hodgkin-Huxley model – action potential Marcin Duchinski
Pomniejsze projektyInteresujące odnośniki
- Mixed photos from San Diego area, 2010,2011
- A movie related to Brain Corporation shown by PBS
- Milky Way time lapse movie taken on 14 Dec 2010 on Mt Laguna, some meteors are visible too, mov
- Mysterious e a presentation for high school, Swiecie 2009, polish pdf
- Scale-free networks a presentation on a seminar, polish pdf
- Digital Signal Processing a presentation for high school students, polish pdf
- Signal and image processing algorithms a presentation on a seminar, polish pdf
- Inside the Menger Sponge a ptviewer 360 panorama inside this exciting shape
- Scale free structures in recurrent neural networks a presentation on a seminar, polish pdf
- A Beamer theme with my Faculty colors and university logos
- Finding roots using binary or interpolation search a demonstration I made in Mathematica for Wolfram Demonstrations Project
- Cayley Trees in Mathematica a demonstration I made in Mathematica for Wolfram Demonstrations Project
- Map of Computer Science graphical representation of areas in computer science and relations between them, english pdf
- Expander graphs and their applications a presentation on a seminar, polish pdf
- A couple of pics of Torun in HSIR pictures with V (value) channel replaced by infrared image, nice effect
- Magia algorytmów obróbki obrazu a presentation for annual science and art festival about digital photography and image processing (polish, html)
- My faculty yard via PTviewer a 360 degree panorama of a yard at my faculty
- Fractals with Maple a set of Maple procedures used to plot a number of fractals
- My infrared photographs a couple of compositions done with Hoya R72 filter and olympus C7070
- 2d Lattice of Simplified Dynamical Neurons student project for OCNC 2006 (english, mov)
- Losowosc w informatyce a presentation for annual science and art festival in Torun (polish, pdf)
- WLAN safety – a presentation that I commited for the eduroam semminar in march 2006 (polish, pdf).
- Torun in my lens – a web gallery containing some photos of my hometown that I collected in recent years.
- Analiza stabilności i diagramów fazowych dla lokalnie hopfieldowskich sieci neuronowych w obecności wysoce skorelowanych wzorców okresowych – My masters thesis (Polish pdf)
- CS in Education 2005 Conference – Arythmetic routines in Pascal and C++ – materials for workshops (polish html)
- Samba and LDAP Howto – useful howto on ldap authorization in samba (Polish pdf)
- Real Video Streaming Howto – useful howto on real video streaming (Polish pdf)
- Fractals – Presentation for science festival about fractals (Polish HTML!!! <- NEW )
- Fractals – Presentation for science festival about fractals (Polish pdf)
- SIMP documentation – Technical aspects of the project that my team has written, and won departamets team programming contest ‘2004 (Polish pdf).
- Gamma tranformations – Short thesis about gamma transformations of digital images (Polish pdf).
- Java project – A small java applet for demonstration of Kohonen Self Organizing Map (neural network method).
- Eugene M. Izhikevich web page – a mathematician involved into study of brain function and its simulation.
- Steve Furber – developer of the ARM chip, involved into the SpiNNaker project (a parallel chip designed to run neurosimulations)
- Scholarpedia – a peer reviewed version of wikipedia.
- Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory Indiana University Bloomington
- prof. Dante R. Chialvo – author of interesting neuroscience research related to my work
- racjonalista.pl – polish site for rational people
- slashdot.org – web magazine for those with open minds (well, those that dont mind being a bit America-centric).
- meteo.icm.edu.pl – good numeric weather forecast for central Europe
- mathworld.woflram.com – online encyclopedia of mathematics
- citeseer.com – Scientific literature digital library
- Prof. W. Duch webpage – An AI specialist, this page is a gold mine.
- Leszek Rybicki – the page of my friend and coauthor of some the projects.
- Agata Piekniewska – the page of my wife.
- Airbrush studio R if you need a fancy painting on your car!
- E. Dyguda page – Nice page of a young researcher who likes Linux.
- WMiI – The departament that I study in
- PTI – Polish Information Processing Society (Koło Toruńskie Polskiego Towarzystwa Informatycznego), a society that I’m an active member.
- www.subaqua.pl – A web page that I’ve designed for my favourite diving club.
- Wysokie progi – Polish/American hiking club in Southern California.
- eduroam.umk.pl – Worldwide safe Wifi project, that I participated in 2005r.
Zdjęcia z wypraw/konferencji itp.
Niektóre z poniższych galerii mogą ładować się kilka minut w zależności od szybkości połączenia internetowego. Przyjemności!
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- Yosemite & Sequoia, grudzień 2015
- Kamping na Anza Borrego, kwiecień 2015
- Wydmy Algodones koło Yumy, Kalifornia, marzec 2015
- Park narodowy Seguaro, Tucson, Arizona, marzec 2015
- Biosphere2, Arizona, marzec 2015
- Page, Arizona, marzec 2015
- Snowbird, Utah, marzec 2015
- Salt Lake, Antelope Island, Utah, marzec 2015
- Zion, Utah, marzec 2015
- Wyprawa na górę wyzwolenia (Salvation Mountain) w Kalifornii, luty 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- Joshua Tree, California, Grudzień 2013
- Wielki Kanion, Arizona, Grudzień 2013
- Monument Valley, Arizona, Grudzień 2013
- Arches, Utah, Grudzień 2013
- Canyonlands, Utah, Grudzień 2013
- Bryce Canyon, Utah, Grudzień 2013
- Zion, Utah, Grudzień 2013
- Death Valley, California, Listopad 2013
- Organisation for Computational Neurosciences meeting, Paris, France, Lipiec 2013
- Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Lipiec 2013
- COSYNE conference and workshops, Salt Lake City and Snowbird, Utah, Luty 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- Hawaii, Listopad 2010
- MCAS Miramar Airshow, San Diego, Październik 2010
- NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, San Jose CA + San Francisco and Silicon Valley, Wrzesień 2010
- Arizona, Sierpień 2010
- ICAISC conference, Zakopane, Poland, Czerwiec 2010
- Vision Science Society Meeting, Naples, Florida, Maj 2010
- Los Angeles, Hollywood, Malibu, Santa Monica, Kwiecień 2010
- San Diego, 2010
- 2009
- 2007
- 2006
- London, UK, Listopad 2006
- Nashville Tennessee, Sierpień 2006
- Las Vegas, Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon, Sierpień 2006
- Denver Colorado and Rocky Mountains hiking, Lipiec 2006
- Whistler mountain hiking, Whistler BC Canada, Lipiec 2006
- World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Vancouver BC Canada, Lipiec 2006
- Two days in Tokyo, Japan, Lipiec 2006
- Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course – Okinawa, Japan, Czerwiec 2006
- Stochastic Models in Biological Sciences Workshop – Warsaw, Poland, Maj 2006
- Ice diving in Powidzkie lake in Poland, Luty 2006
- Polish Information Processing Society awards, Wroclaw, Poland Luty 2006
- 2005
- Diving safari, st. Jones reef, Egypt, Październik 2005
- Cappadocia, hot air balloon flight, Turkey, Wrzesień 2005
- Journey round Turkey (Fethiye, Pergamon, Istambul), Wrzesień 2005
- Philadelphia, Sierpień 2005
- New York, Sierpień 2005
- Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, Sierpień 2005
- Baltimore, Annapolis – Maryland, Sierpień 2005
- Washington DC, Lipiec-Sierpień 2005
- Montreal and Quebeck City, Lipiec 2005, IJCNN conference
- Departament of Informatics Workshop in Bachotek – Maj 2005
- Ice diving in Kamionki lake near Torun – Luty 2005
- 2004
- 2003
Jasne gwiazdy świecą krótko - wspomnienie przyjaciela który zmarł zbyt szybko